
18th September 2020

How We learn

Every term we hold a special Parents Evening, without the children, so they can learn all about how we teach children at Swinbrook House Nursery. We encourage all our parents to come, new and current. Later this term, with current restrictions in place, it will probably be a virtual event. […]
6th August 2020

Exploring in the Park

We are very lucky to be so close to Regent’s Park and love to take the children there every day.  Recently, on a beautiful summer’s morning, we used the outing to explore the world around us, focusing on what we could find.  The children searched about in the natural environment, […]
20th July 2020


Every July the nursery celebrates the graduation of its pre-school children just before they move on to big school.  In other years all our parents have attended this really special event where we mimic a proper graduation ceremony.  Chairs are put out for parents and the children walk onto a […]
18th December 2019

Christmas Time

Christmas is such an exciting time for children and this year we were lucky to have the offer of a tree donated by two of our parents who own a local florist.  In early December we took a small group of children to the shop to pick out their favourite […]

We’re excited to announce that we now accept 15/30 hours funding for children from 9 months old, 2-year-old funding, and 3–4-year-old funding (30hours), including the universal 15 hours free for all preschoolers! Get in touch today to find out more and secure your child’s place.