
Christmas Time
18th December 2019
Exploring in the Park
6th August 2020

Every July the nursery celebrates the graduation of its pre-school children just before they move on to big school.  In other years all our parents have attended this really special event where we mimic a proper graduation ceremony.  Chairs are put out for parents and the children walk onto a stage, one by one, to shake the hand of the Ceremony Master and collect their certificate, donned in their graduation hat.  They then sing songs to parents they have rehearsed before the day, all about moving up to big school.

It is a wonderful event which finishes with a party including games, snacks and fizzy water for the parents to toast their children’s success.

This year we held the ceremony without parents (due to Covid-19) but it was exactly the same, with the younger children sat on the carpet representing the parents’.

We’re excited to announce that we now accept 15/30 hours funding for children from 9 months old, 2-year-old funding, and 3–4-year-old funding (30hours), including the universal 15 hours free for all preschoolers! Get in touch today to find out more and secure your child’s place.