Christmas Time

20th July 2020

Christmas is such an exciting time for children and this year we were lucky to have the offer of a tree donated by two of our parents who own a local florist.  In early December we took a small group of children to the shop to pick out their favourite tree and take it back to the nursery where they all decorated it with lights and lots of trimmings, including some made by themselves. At their Christmas Party we were joined by all our parents who entered our Christmas Jumper competition with a bottle of wine for the winner!  At the party, the children sang Christmas songs to their mums and dads and we all had mince pies with our healthy snacks.

Over this holiday season period we had lots of chats about Christmas including why we put up a tree and why do people celebrate Christmas as well as other festivals such as Chinese New Year or Diwali.  At other times of the year, we incorporate the faiths of all our children into our curriculum with parent partnerships.



We’re excited to announce that we now accept 15/30 hours funding for children from 9 months old, 2-year-old funding, and 3–4-year-old funding (30hours), including the universal 15 hours free for all preschoolers! Get in touch today to find out more and secure your child’s place.