As a nursery we aim to:

Create a warm, caring and safe environment where children’s individual needs are supported allowing them to grow into independent, confident learners who are respected and valued.

Encourage children to care for, enjoy and show interest in the community and world around them.

Work in partnership with parents; enabling children to reach their full potential, beginning their educational journey in a positive and secure way.

Daily outings to close-by Regent’s Park

Make the nursery school a happy place for all who are part of it and maintain an environment of exploration and self-evaluation, fostering both motivation and a love of learning.

Provide well planned activities and opportunities, allowing children to progress successfully through the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Support diversity and welcome all children recognising that each child’s learning journey is unique and individual.

Our Class Promises
Here at Swinbrook House Nursery School, we embed British Values into our nursery life. The Fundamental British Values are democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. One way we embed these is through our class promises.
After a discussion with Swan Class, we decided on our six class promises. These are “I will try to remember to…”
- Tidy up
- Use listening ears
- Use an inside voice
- Use walking feet
- Be kind to others
- Share and take turns
These promises are strengthened through a sticker reward chart and positive praise. The promises are encouraged from the youngest to the oldest children. Once it is possible, the younger children are encouraged to pick up their toys at tidy up time. Our oldest children are encouraged to follow all the promises and encourage others to do so as well. We believe this will help them grow into considerate children with respect for others.

Mission Statement

Swinbrook House Nursery School provides a firm foundation on which each child can develop and build their future education within a caring, safe and stimulating environment where they feel valued and happy.

We are an inclusive nursery school where individuals are given equal opportunity to discover and progress through high quality play-based learning.