We understand the importance of healthy bodies and minds and how vital it is to eat the right food for growth and development. We promote a balanced attitude to nutrition, understanding the need for the occasional treat as well as an abundance of fresh produce supporting a balanced diet. This includes fresh drinking water which is available at all times.
At snack time we offer a variety of choices such as fresh fruit and vegetables, dried fruit, bread sticks, crackers and cheese, yoghurt, rice cakes and more. We will often provide a special theme related snack and aim to vary the textures as much as possible. There are lots of opportunities for the children to prepare their own snacks, developing their independence.

Mealtimes at Swinbrook House are a happy, social occasion when staff and children sit together to eat - assisting younger children when they need help. Older children are encouraged to be independent, serving their own food and using their cutlery to feed themselves. Staff ensure good table manners and behaviour consistently across the age ranges, role modelling and encouraging the children to say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’.
We gently encourage all children to try new and different foods, however no child is forced to eat snack and we work with our parents if a child struggles with eating.
Staff are aware and respect all allergies, medical and cultural differences in eating habits, ensuring similar alternatives are available for those who need it. Our meals are provided by Little Tums, a superb service that delivers nutritious and varied meals to us daily. We adhere to the Food Safety (Temperature Control) Regulations 1995 and snacks are prepared by qualified staff that hold Food Hygiene Certificates. See our sample menus below. Little Tums gained a Gold Healthy Choice Award 2022